District Industries Center, Ahmednagar
- Small Scale Industries (PDF, 579KB)
- Large Scale Industries (PDF , 46KB )
- Co-operative Industrial Estate (PDF, 94KB )
- Education Development Program (PDF, 82KB )
- Bio-technology (PDF, 271KB )
- Coal Policy (PDF, 121KB )
- Seed Money Scheme:* G.R. (PDF, 73KB ) *Beneficiary (PDF, 130KB )
- Stamp Duty Exemption : *List of units (PDF, 777KB ) *Application form (PDF, 77KB )
- Package Scheme Incentive: 2001 (PDF, 860KB )
- IT Policy 2009 Application Form for Eligibility Certificate (PDF, 275KB )
- G.R.-Industries and labour Department (PDF, 511KB )
- G.R.-Package Scheme of Incentives 2007 (PDF, 257KB )