About NIC
Tollfree Helpline : 1800-111-555
NIC Service Desk
NIC provides ICT service for District and Taluka level Government Offices. Mainly the Offices are District Collectorate, District court, Zilla Parishad, DRDA, SP Office, APMC’s, Agriculture offices, RTO Office, District Consumer court, Employment office, Department of post, Treasury etc.
Technical Consultancy
The technical support and consultancy is provided by NIC Ahilyanagar to State Government Offices to tackle their IT needs and problems. This includes giving the right configuration of different hardware, procurement of hardware, inspection and certification.
As a part of ICT Support to Government on various e-governance projects, training programs are conducted by NIC Ahilyanagar such as General Computer Awareness programs, Training on Office Automation tools, training programs as part of implementation of various e-governance projects, Workshops and Seminars
Video Conferencing Service
A Video Conferencing Studio is Setup at NIC, Ahilyanagar for conducting video conferencing.
Website Design & Development
The NIC Ahilyanagar has developed the Official web site for the district administration and keeps it up to date periodically.
ICT active support in Elections
The NIC Ahilyanagar always involved in all the Assembly and Parliamentary election process. The work of allotment of polling staff, their randomization, forming parties, random allocation of polling booths to parties, raising the system and hardware for counting process, giving daily online information related to election and constituencies to Election Commission of India and NIC Delhi which has collaboration with Doordarshan for result telecast.
Network Services (NICNET)
Providing network backbone and e-Governance support to Central Government, State Governments, and Districts level ICT projects. The network router setup through which Lease line connectivity of 100 mbps with the help of BSNL line has been configured in the collectorate
Web Services
Web site hosting for http://Ahilyanagar.nic.in
Address :
NIC Ahilyanagar,
5th Floor ,B Wing,
District Collector Office,
Behind Government Rest House,
Nagar- Aurangabad Road,
Savedi, Ahilyanagar 414003
Telephone No. : 0241 – 2343328
Email Id : mahahm [ at] nic [ dot] in
District Informatics Officer – Shri Gajanan Nakaskar
District Informatics Associate – Shri Pawan Tembhurne